Our Rooms
Lollipops Papamoa has two separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.
Kiwi Babies Room
This boutique-like area only has eight available spaces, ensuring your little one gets plenty of one on one care and attention. Designed for our Under 2’s this room is warm, cosy and snuggly.
Weka Room
Our Weka Room caters for our 2 to 5 year olds, who thrive thanks to our outstanding programme which provides extended learning opportunities and supports warm and reciprocal relationships.
Daily Routine
7:30 am: Centre opens and whanau and tamariki are welcomed/breakfast is provided
8:00 am: Child led play and learning experiences with teacher support and a diverse and stimulating array of resources
9:30 am: Rolling morning tea starts (provided by the centre), allowing the tamariki to eat when hungry and enjoy uninterrupted play and learning
10:15 am: Child led play and learning experiences
11:30 am: Whanau lunch – children sit together to enjoy their packed lunch from home
12:15 pm: Sleep time for some children/Child led play and learning experiences
2:30 pm: Rolling afternoon tea starts (provided by the centre)
3:00 pm: Child led play and learning experiences
4:30 pm: Late snack (provided by the centre)
5:30 pm: Lollipops Papamoa closes