
September Blog

Kia ora

The month started off with sunny weather which inspired us to take a walk in the park. Our preschoolers put their vests on and went to the park. They felt the textures of the trees, collected some daisies and did lots of running before coming back tired to the centre.

And since the letter of one of the weeks was ‘V’, prompted us to make volcanoes. The children had an awesome time using clay to make the mountain and then conducting the science experiment with baking soda and vinegar to see the bubbling lava.

The children also engaged in planting new seedling s to grow their own vegetables. The also planted flowers to make our outdoor area look pretty!

This month there was a focus on learning Te Reo with the Maori language week being celebrated from 16th-20th September. Although it is a part of the curriculum, there was more of a focus on teaching Te reo to children.

As for babies, they were busy exploring the sand. Painting regularly is a part of the curriculum and even though the children eat the paint (non-toxic) half the time, it gives them a wonderful opportunity to feel the textures of the paint and see various colours.