Our Rooms

Lollipops Millennium has four separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.


Specially designed for our children from birth to 18 months, we follow the child ‘s routine at home and offer a high quality care and education for children.

Daily Routine

All the activities in our Fantail Room are flexible throughout the day and are shaped by the individual needs of each child. However here is our general daily flow:

7:30 am: Centre opens

8:00 am: Breakfast

8:30 am: Free play inside or outside

9:00 am: Morning tea

9:30 am: Nappy change and bottle time

10:00 am: Sleep time

10:30 am: Mat time

11:00 am: Lunch time

11:30 am: Nappy change

12:00 pm: Sleep time

1:00 pm: Free play inside or outside

1:30 pm: Nappy change

2:00 pm: Afternoon tea

2:30 pm: Bottle time

3:00 pm: Free play inside or outside

3:30 pm: Nappy change

4:00 pm: Sleep time

5:00 pm: Late snack

6:00 pm: Centre closes


Children stay in our Tuis room from 18 months of age until they are approximately 2 years 8 months or 3 years old. They have a large area to explore and the freedom to choose what they want to do. It is a mixed age group so there are lots of opportunities for tiena tuakana relationships.

Daily Routine

All the activities in our Tui Room are flexible throughout the day and are shaped by the individual needs of the children. However here is our general daily flow:

7:30 am: Centre opens, all children from our Pukeko and Kiwi Rooms come together in the Tui Room

8:00 am: Free play inside or outside

8:30 am: Pukeko and Kiwi Room children head back to their rooms

9:00 am: Nappy change

9:15 am: Group time followed by morning tea

10:00 am: Free play inside or outside

11:00 am: Nappy change

11:30 am: Group time followed by lunch

12:15 pm: Sleep time

2:30 pm: Nappy change time

3:00 pm: Afternoon tea

3:30 pm: Free play inside or outside

4:00 pm: Nappy change

4:30 pm: Inside and outside play

5:00 pm: Tidy up and combine with Pukeko and Kiwi Room children

5:30 pm: Quiet activities and late snack

6:00 pm: Centre closes


This is where our 4 to 5 year olds prepare for the next phase of their learning journey - school. We have a great transition to school programme and liaise with two local schools (Oranga Primary and St Mary’s Catholic School) taking children there for visits. A lot of our focus in this room is on building social competence and self-help skills.

Daily Routine

7:30 am: Children start their morning in the Tui Room

8:30 am: Pukeko children head to Pukeko Room for indoor and outdoor play

9:30 am: Children are encouraged to help tidy up

9:45 am: Morning mat time

10:00 am: Morning tea

10:30 am: Free play and activities at the table
Indoor outdoor flow if the weather is fine

11:45 am: Tidy up time and children are settled for lunch

12:00 pm: Lunch time

12:30 pm: Quiet time – teacher reads books with children or children engage in other quiet activities

1:00 pm: Free play and activities at the table, followed by indoor outdoor flow

2:20 pm: Tidy up time

2:30 pm: Story time with teacher

2:45 pm: Afternoon tea

3:15 pm: Free play and children put their shoes on to prepare for home time

4:45 pm: Tidy up time and then children move into the Tui Room for free play

6:00 pm: Children end their day in the Tui Room, centre closes