Our Rooms
Lollipops Aubrey Street has three separate rooms, enabling us to deliver safe, nurturing and age appropriate learning experiences for all our children.
Kopa Rito - Infant Room
Catering for pēpē aged 3 months to two years, our Rito team value the whanaungatanga we build with our tamariki and whānau. Tamariki are respected as learners and explorers, and allowed time and space to learn through play. Tamariki are nurtured, supported, encouraged and loved as they develop in their most formative months of growth.
Kopa Tupu - Junior Room
For our tamariki within this kopa, it is all about developing social competence and learning through play to support lifelong skills such as turn taking, perspective taking, responsibility, and how to develop wakahoahoa (friendships). Our nurturing kaiako work alongside of the tamariki mahi tahi, to enable them to grow into confident and competent young learners who are strong in their identity and secure in knowing who they are.
Kopa Kōrari - Preschool
Our Kopa Kōrari is where our tamariki are becoming more independent with their thinking, looking after themselves, taking care of their belongings and fostering whakahoahoa (friendships). With awhi from the kaiako the tamariki are getting ready to move onto their next pathway, transitioning to kura (primary school). School readiness, literacy, numeracy and whanaungatanga (relationships) are integrated in a holistic nature through play to support tamariki to leave here as responsible, confident, competent, respectful young learners who find value in developing strong whanaungatanga.